News from the world of SuperMemo

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SuperMemo World Language School

Advanced English is likely the fastest way towards beating native speakers (as well as your ESL friends) in mastering English. This can be measured objectively by GRE, FCE or TOEFL scores! In addition, Advanced English is the best introduction to the world of SuperMemo. You can get the feel of the program while building a solid knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar. Today, you can finally download the entire Advanced English material from the net. It includes 41,000 elements and 27,000 sound recordings. If you still do not have SuperMemo, you can go straight for the Advanced English 2002 Power Pack, which includes: SuperMemo 2002 (2MB), Advanced English 2002 collection (10 MB) and Audio material (230 MB). In addition you can opt for a whole suit of discounts, upgrades and cross-sale options for existing users. For details see: Advanced English 2002

Fig: SuperMemo 2002 makes it easy to import directly from the web

Main advantages of SuperMemo 2002:

Main disadvantages:

More news from the years 1997-2001