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Contents : SuperMemo
SuperMemo 98 for Windows

SuperMemo 98 for Windows is a program for computer-assisted learning. It uses a number technologies that make the learning process more effective. It can be used by individual students or by authors of learning material. It is mostly designed for self-instruction but it also provides all authoring features needed to develop attractive and effective interactive hypermedia courseware and presentations. It can help you (or your students) remember whatever you think is worth remembering. In the beginner mode, you only need to know two operations: Add new (adding new learning material) and Learn (memorizing and rehearsing the material)

Most important technologies used in SuperMemo 98

General steps in using SuperMemo 98

Note: there is no compilation stage before releasing a CD-ROM course in SuperMemo 98. Indeed, the author can give the students a free hand to expand and/or improve upon the learning material!

Important! SuperMemo 98 is ideally suited for self-learning. All complexities of the program can be circumvented by choosing only two options: (1) Add new which adds a new question-answer pair to the collection, and (2) Learn which rehearses the introduced material. Indeed, this mode has made SuperMemo the most popular software ever developed in Poland. See: ABC of SuperMemo 98

Figure 1. SuperMemo in the beginner mode can be mastered in minutes

Most prominent features implemented in SuperMemo 98

Further reading: