Import web pages


Web import dialog

With Edit : Import web pages : All (Shift+Ctrl+A) you can quickly import a number of web pages, pictures, or YouTube videos from Internet Explorer.

Articles or pictures that have already been imported will be marked as DUPLICATE (double click the article to see its copy stored in SuperMemo). Articles that have been opened more than twice in Internet Explorer will be marked as DOUBLED. To close all doubled articles and the duplicates, choose Close duplicates from the web import dialog context menu (right click).


SuperMemo: Importing articles about clathrate gun hypothesis from Wikipedia for incremental learning

Figure: Importing articles about the microbiology of gastroenteritis from Wikipedia for incremental learning. In the picture, 7 have been found as already imported in the collection and marked as DUPLICATE!!!. One article about the dorsal root of spinal nerve has been opened twice in Internet Explorer; it has been denoted as DOUBLED!!! for easy filtering. The articles will be imported into the current concept group and their priority will fall between 0.0068% and 0.0138%, and their corresponding Internet Explorer tabs closed upon the successful import.

SuperMemo: Importing videos featuring Nokia Lumia 2520, iPad, and Surface from YouTube for incremental learning

Figure: In the picture above, 13 YouTube videos featuring Nokia Lumia 2520, iPad, and Surface are available and selected for automatic import into SuperMemo (for easy use with incremental video). The selected videos will be imported as children of a newly added element titled "Nokia vs. iPad vs. Surface" and stamped with the current date and time. The priority of the imported videos will fall in the range of 5-13%. Individual Internet Explorer tabs/windows holding the selected videos will get closed after import.

SuperMemo: Importing 31 pictures of Gabrielle Union from the web to Celebrities concept group.

Figure: Importing 31 pictures of Gabrielle Union from the web to Celebrities concept group. One of the pictures showed up twice in Google Images results (DOUBLED!!!) and one has already been imported to this collection (DUPLICATE!!!). The pictures get imported as Page of images (i.e. into a single element). Note that when pictures are imported from the web in this mode they get automatically tiled.

Web import options

Here is a detailed breakdown of the Import web pages dialog box:

Web import context menu

Web import template

If you import texts, SuperMemo will require that your default import template contains a text component (otherwise it will create a template for you and ignore the concept template). If you import pictures, SuperMemo will require an appropriate picture template to be used. The template must contain a text component and an image component. This is how SuperMemo determines the import template for pictures:

  1. Default topic template for the current concept group is used if it contains at least one text component (for picture descriptions) and one image component (for the picture)
  2. Predefined Article Picture template is used if it still exists (you can redefine this template or save your own template under this name as long as it contains the required text and image components)
  3. Templateless element is created with text and image components as required by the import procedure

Using mouse in Web import dialog


Minimum picture size refers to pictures after compression

From: Miko
Country: Poland
Sent: Mon, Apr 27, 2009, 13:44
Subject: The Min. picture size limit does not seem to be respected


I am trying to import the album cover thumbnails available at DEPECHE MODE discography into a SuperMemo element but despite setting Min. picture size at 4096 (bytes) and each and every thumbnail exceeding 6000 bytes, they are not imported.


Solution: Reduce the Min. picture size limit if there are the pictures you want to import to SuperMemo that do not get imported.

Explanation: Many pictures available on the Internet are so poorly compressed that it makes very little sense to look at their actual size (you will most likely reduce it with compression tools built in SuperMemo anyway). Therefore SuperMemo evaluates the to-be-imported pictures factoring in the heuristically determined compression factor. When the applied formula says that the to-be-imported pictures could easily be compressed to 4 kB or less it considers them too small too import.