All registries can be inspected via the Search submenu on the main menu.
Most important operations on registries are available from the registry menu. To open this menu:
- right-click over the registry window,
- press Alt+F10,
- click the registry menu button on the registry toolbar, or
- press Apps Key (
) (context menu key left of the right Ctrl key).
The registry menu includes the following options:
Go neural
- View
- List elements - list all elements that use the currently selected registry member in the element list (bottom right of the registry window)
- View element - display the element selected in the element list or display the first user of the currently selected registry member (if the element list is not shown). The element is shown in the element window without closing the registry. Note that elements are displayed each time you click on the entries in the element list (which can be shown with List elements above)
- Go to element - same as View element but the element window is put to the front of the registry window
- Map - view the concept or contents map associated with the concept or link
- Reference - view the reference associated with the currently displayed image in the image registry
- Browse current (Ctrl+B) - display all elements that use the current registry member in a browser
- Browse selected (Shift+Ctrl+B) - display all elements that use the selected registry members, i.e. members with a checkmark on the left
- Browse all - display all elements that use all the members in the current registry subset in the element browser
- Random pick (F11) - jump to a randomly picked registry member in the current registry subset. This option can be used to quickly review the registry.
- Go to position (Ctrl+G) - go to a registry member by providing its physical position in the registry (e.g. File : Repair collection will often report registry problems by referring to individual members by their physical position)
- Path - display the path to the selected registry object file (e.g. image file). Show the availability of the file in the primary and secondary storage (if these two differ), linked file path (if any), and file sizes
- Play (Ctrl+F10) - play the sound or video associated with the current registry member in sound or video registry
- Encoding - display UTF-8 codes of the registry member name
- Clear (Esc) - this option is useful in backtracking your operations on the registry window. This is the sequence of actions done by Clear:
- jump from the list of elements to the list of registry members (if the focus is on the list of elements)
- jump from the object editing fields to the list of registry members (if the focus is on one of the editing fields)
- jump from the member list to the editing combo-box at the top of the registry window (if the focus is on the member list)
- clear the contents of the editing combo-box at the top of the registry window if the focus is on the editing combo-box
- close the registry window if the focus is on the editing combo-box and the combo-box is empty
- Edit
- Paste - paste an object from the clipboard into the registry
- Paste over - replace the object the selected registry member points to with a new version available from the clipboard. For example, you can use this option to replace one picture with another. The replacement will show throughout the collection
- Overwrite file - replace the current member's object file with another file. This option is similar to Paste over with a difference that while Paste over uses the data from the clipboard, if you use Overwrite file, you point the location of the new version of the file on your disk.
- Edit text (Ctrl+E) - edit the text currently displayed in the text registry
- Edit translation (Ctrl+T) - edit the translation associated with the current text registry member. Note that in translation registries, the meaning of Edit text and Edit translation is reversed, and Edit text is actually used to edit the translation
- Copy path - copy the path to the file associated with the current registry member to the clipboard
- Search
- Find texts (Ctrl+S) - find all members in the current registry subset whose names contain a given string. Place the search results in a newly created registry subset. Use Ctrl+S to search all registry members for a string. Use it also for AND-search
- Find first (Ctrl+F) - find the first registry member in the current subset whose name contains a given string. Search begins with the member that follows the currently selected member. You will find the shortcut for Find first, Ctrl+F, very useful here
- Find next (F3) - repeat the last Find first operation (you can repeat search with F3)
- Search and replace (Ctrl+R) - find members in the current registry subset whose names contain a given string and replace this string with another string. You can repeat this operation on all individual members with individual confirmations or replace all strings in one go. You can do global search and replace on texts in your collection by using the text registry. Caution: all registry member names must be unique, if your replace operation generates a name that already exists, the new name will be modified by SuperMemo to make it unique. Usually this will result in the appearance of some meaningless code at the end of your new name (e.g. Geography#, Geography@, etc.)
- Apply filter - process the texts in the current registry with a filter file (e.g. replace a set of strings with another set of strings, remove delimited comments, etc.).
- Tools
- Import files - import a number of files into the registry. For example, if you have a set of ready-made pictures or sound files you can import them all to image or sound registry respectively before you use them in your elements
- Import text - import the text with registry member names generated by Export as text (below). For example, after spell-checking
- Export file - export the file associated with the current member
- Export as text - export all registry member names into a text file. Most often you will want to do it to spell-check the contents of the registry with your favorite spellchecker
- Sort for frequency - sort the registry for the number of elements that use individual members
- Sort for size - sort the registry for the size of files associated with individual members (e.g. to delete largest pictures from your bloated collection)
- Sort for priority - sort the registry for member priority. The priority here is determined by the ratio: (number of users)/(file size). This option is useful if you want to find the least used members that take most space (for example, Advanced English 97 sound files have been trimmed with this option to fit the 650MB CD-ROM size limit)
- Externalize files - export all registry files to secondary storage
- Internalize files - move all files associated with the registry from the secondary storage to the primary storage. External files, i.e. files not associated with the collection, will also be internalized (external files are those which you linked with Links : External file on the component menu). You can use this option, for example, if you want to speed up access to a small collection distributed on CD/DVD. Internalize files will move all files from CD/DVD to your hard disk. This way you will also be able to delete secondary storage path and give up using CD/DVD drive altogether
- Repair - recover twin registries. A twin registry is a pair of registries in which each member of one registry points to one or more members of the other registry. For example, the phonetic transcription registry is a twin registry and is composed of two registries: words and word transcriptions
- Delete unused - delete registry members that are not used anywhere in the collection (i.e. not linked to any component)
- Size statistics - compute the size of texts, files, linked files, HTML objects, etc.
- Add predefined templates - add predefined templates to the template registry (e.g. Item, Article, Multiple Choice, Spelling, etc.)
- Generate elements - insert all registry members into newly created elements (e.g. to convert the whole picture registry to a branch of pictures)
- Generate references - generate references from member names that carry reference data
- Selection
- Select all - select all registry members
- Unselect all - unselect all registry members
- Swap selection - unselect the selected registry members and select the unselected ones
- Select index range - select members by their index range
- Select position range - select members in a range of registry positions
- Extract to subset (Shift+Ctrl+Enter) - display the currently selected registry members in a separate registry subset (selections are made by checking boxes to the left of registry member names)
- Subset
- Previous subset (Alt+Left) - open the superset of the current registry subset
- Next subset (Alt+Right) - open the nearest subset of the current registry subset. For example, if you do AND-search in the registry with Ctrl+S, you can browse through all search stages with Alt+Left and Alt+Right
- Delete subset - delete the currently used registry subset. You cannot delete the first set which contains the entire registry
- Match to subset - find all registry members whose users belong to a given element subset
- Select format - create a registry subset with members of a specific file format
- HTML - select subset of texts in the HTML format
- Text (plain) - select subset of texts in the plain text format
- EML - select subset of texts in the EML format
- RTF - select subset of texts in the RTF format
- BMP - select subset of images in the BMP format
- JPEG - select subset of images in the JPEG format
- GIF - select subset of images in the GIF format
- PNG - select subset of images in the PNG format
- Size range - select members falling into a selected size range (in bytes)
- Select untranslated - generate a new registry subset in text registry with all members who have not yet been translated. This option is useful when you translate your collection and would like to quickly translate those texts that do not yet have translations associated in the translation registry
Use statistics
- Use statistics - generate a file with the number of users of individual members