Installation procedure

To install SuperMemo from CD-ROM do the following:

  1. Insert SuperMemo CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
  2. In Windows 3.11: type <X>:\INSTALL at File : Run prompt in Program Manager
    In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0: type <X>:\INSTALL at Start : Run on the Taskbar
    (in both cases, X: stands for your CD-ROM drive letter)
  3. Chose the natural language interface that suits you most and click OK
  4. Choose Continue in SuperMemo Setup dialog box

To install SuperMemo from the Internet do the following:

  1. Download SM8ZIP.EXE 
  2. Run SM8ZIP.EXE and type in the password obtained from SuperMemo World
  3. Create a shortcut to SM8.EXE on your desktop

If your SuperMemo CD-ROM comes with commercial knowledge systems, you may notice that SuperMemo itself is hidden behind the displayed learning material. To activate full SuperMemo press Ctrl+Alt+F12.

If you use less than 800x600 resolution, you might want to maximize your element window area by doing what follows: