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Component ClipBox

Component ClipBox is a temporary cache for components. It works like the Windows clipboard. First you place a component in the ClipBox and then you can paste it as many times as you wish (into any chosen element in the collection). When the program terminates, the ClipBox is emptied. The ClipBox is located on the Actions toobar and has a form of violet garbage can. When a ClipBox is filled up, the trashcan will bulge with its contents. You can view the contents of the ClipBox by pausing a mouse over it for a short period of time (only if hints are on). You can empty the ClipBox with Ctrl+click.

Earlier versions of SuperMemo used two other ClipBoxes that are no longer needed:

Component ClipBox is used to copy components. To place a component in the ClipBox use one of the following methods:

To copy a component from the ClipBox, drag the contents of the ClipBox onto the right spot in the destination element. Empty the ClipBox with Ctrl+click