Find text - the text you want to search the collection for
Match whole word only - check this box if you want the search to show matches that are complete words, and not part of another word or phrase
Match case - check this box if you want the search to show matches that use the same combination of capital and lowercase letters that you typed into the Find text text box
Details >> - expand the dialog box with advanced search options
Advanced search
AND-OR-NOT search
Phrases that must be included: AND-Search (Must-Find) - the words and/or phrases, all of which must be included in all matching elements. Separate words and phrases by typing each in a new line (press Enter to move to the next line in the box)
Search for all these phrases: OR-Search (May-Find): - the words and/or phrases, at least one of which will be included in matching elements. Separate words and phrases by typing each in a new line (press Enter to move to the next line in the box)
Phrases that must be excluded: NOT-Search (MustNot-Find): - the words and/or phrases that will exclude the elements which contain them from the search result. Separate words and phrases by typing each in a new line (press Enter to move to the next line in the box)
Google - use Google to search for more pages that match the search criteria (e.g. to import more reading material into SuperMemo)
Search definitions
Recent searches list box (Ctrl+S) - a list of previously saved search definitions. When you select a named search definition, its criteria will be fed into their corresponding fields of the Find elements dialog box saving you time on recreating the original definition
Restore last search definition (Ctrl+R) - restore the most recently used search
Delete - delete the currently selected search definition
Save - save the current search criteria as a search definition for later use
Find elements context menu
Restore last (Ctrl+R) - restore the most recently used search
Choose definition (Ctrl+S) - open a list of previously saved search definitions. When you select a named search definition, its criteria will be fed into their corresponding fields of the Find elements dialog box saving you time on recreating the original definition
Edit find text (Alt+X) - quickly move focus to the Find text text box
Edit AND text (Alt+A) - quickly move focus to the AND-Search text field
Edit OR text (Alt+O) - quickly move focus to the OR-Search text field
Edit NOT text (Alt+N) - quickly move focus to the NOT-Search text field