Extreme English DVD

March 2005

All-time best-selling SuperMemo collection Advanced English have now been transformed into a user-friendly Extreme English DVD

Extreme English
contains over 45,000 English words and phrases, including basic vocabulary (Basic English collections in various language versions), technical and scientific vocabulary (Advanced English), and highly advanced vocabulary required on college exams in the United States (Power Words!). 

In addition, the package includes English Grammar (exercises for the most important problems of English grammar), Irregular Verbs (a collection of essential irregular verb forms), and Pronunciation and Spelling (which enables you to practice pronouncing and spelling those English words which foreigners find the most challenging).
Words and phrases in Extreme English are presented in the form of questions and answers. In the Basic English collections, your task is to give the English translation of a phrase which is presented in German, English, Czech, Russian, Polish or Finnish, depending on your chosen language version. In Advanced English, the questions are definitions of English words. In the Power Words! collection your task is to give an answer based on the definition or a synonym of a word.

All English texts in Extreme English are illustrated with sound recordings (American pronunciation). You can record your own pronunciation and compare it with the pronunciation of the speaker. The recordings in Basic English are illustrated with both British and American pronunciation.

Extreme English
is equipped with a voice control system which recognizes English voice commands. It can be used to activate program options and control the training process without using the keyboard. You can use headphones for maximum convenience.

The Extreme English training content, coupled with the functionality of SuperMemo, is a perfect way to learn English words and phrases. By making regular reviews, you can keep previously learned information in your memory and concentrate on learning new vocabulary.

Extreme English features:

Extreme English includes 3 separate collections described below:
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Further reading

Extreme English at SuperMemopedia

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