SuperMemo 10 (2000)

SuperMemo 9 has branched in two directions:

SuperMemo 10 is the first release of SuperMemo that supports rudimentary incremental reading. It has been developed for students and professionals who need to read or review a great deal of electronic articles (e.g. from the web) and for those for who knowledge is a matter of survival in their field of study or profession.

Work over SuperMemo 2000 started in Fall 1999. The program was recompiled with Delphi 5.0 and enhanced by over 1400 new features, improvements and bug fixes with a total of over 20,000 new lines of code.

New features in SuperMemo 10:

  1. Incremental reading dramatically increases the speed of acquiring new information by reading literally thousands of articles at the same time! Support for incremental reading includes: read-points, reading list templates, persistent formatting, text highlight, text ignore, e-mail extract (e.g. to send fragments of your article to a colleague), reference hyperlink (to quickly jump to the source article), URL topics (to keep source articles on the web), reading toolbar (for one-click reading commands), etc.

  2. Tools : Plan can be used to dynamically control the optimum proportions between activities in the student's schedule

  3. E-mail tasklist can be used to apply reading options to most interesting pieces of e-mail

  4. Export to HTML with File : Tools : View as HTML that can reuse any HTML source as your export template

  5. Real Audio, MP3, Mpeg, Animated GIFs, GIF/JPG compression, etc.

  6. Leech management to quickly eliminate poorly formulated material from the learning process

  7. Complete HTML import from Internet Explorer (with images, scripts and other files saved as Web Page complete)

  8. Postpone and Dilute to reduce the load of repetitions in a selected branch or subset. Most importantly, Postpone can be a blessing in handling article overload in incremental reading or e-mail overflow in e-mail tasklist

  9. Subset learning in the browser on any subset of material (e.g. generated with search, branch view, subset operations, etc.)

  10. Branch searching with Find and [Browser] : Child : Branch to search for any string in a selected branch

  11. Global templates to change the look of all elements by editing a single element

  12. Scalable components that resize with the element window (e.g. scalable rich text for reading topic template)

  13. Searching long texts, HTML source and rich text in a single component

  14. Maximum length of articles increased from 64K to 500K

  15. Regroup folders that works like Arrange folders but preserves reading extracts hierarchy

  16. Schedule Extract and Schedule Cloze to determine the first review interval on text extracts and cloze deletions

  17. Optional randomization of the repetition sequence (on a given day)

  18. One-key RTF editing in the default editor (e.g. to use MS Word to quickly rework imported articles)

  19. Improved layout management (toolbars, registries, Contents, browsers, etc.)

  20. Icon and color feedback in statistics and in browsers for easy differentiation between element types (e.g. item, topic, etc.), their status (e.g. memorized, dismissed, etc.) and difficulty (the difficulty is shown in the difficulty field by shades of red)

  21. New browser options: randomize browser, repetitions graph, new child browsers (e.g. branch, topics, tasks, etc.)

  22. New task manager options: tasklist integrity verification, export to browser, export to HTML with priority values or valuation details

  23. Converting RTF texts to plain texts to save disk space

  24. Export Q&A with rich text and HTML components as question and answer fields

  25. Filters can be used optionally with Export Q&A

  26. Separate combo boxes for the default category, default reading list and the default tasklist

  27. Tasklists merging

  28. Export/Import for repetition history

  29. Forgetting index and U-Factor in repetition history

  30. Recompiled with Delphi 5.0, 1460 individual corrections, fixes and improvements, 20,952 lines of new source code