What's new in SuperMemo 16?


Top 10

SuperMemo 16 is faster and more reliable than SuperMemo 15. It works better in Windows 8.1 and with Internet Explorer 11. It conglomerates all incremental learning techniques. It requires fewer clicks to access individual options. It adds dozens of options for improving incremental reading, incremental video, incremental audio, and visual learning. In the long list of changes, some minor unsexy improvements tend to make a world of difference. Here is our vote for improvements that are most likely to make a big difference in your learning:

  1. Incremental video on local files
  2. Supplementing the interface by the mouse-oriented learning bar
  3. Fast search & replace
  4. Add all to outstanding along with a dedicated icon in the browser
  5. Global paste in visual learning
  6. Deleting processed texts with a single keystroke in the Commander
  7. Speed
  8. More reliable use of Internet Explorer for handing HTML pages
  9. Sorting elements by text size in the browser
  10. Fast YouTube imports

New functions

Incremental audio/video

Incremental video and incremental audio largely complete the set of media available in incremental learning, incremental processing and incremental writing. This leaves the user of SuperMemo with no excuses for using paper, DVDs, cassette tapes, mail files, or other media in keeping archives. All knowledge, information and valuable data can now be stored in SuperMemo and processed incrementally (from knowledge, through picture albums, to family archives, to home video, to university lectures, and more).


Search and replace

Incremental reading



Visual learning


The new SuperMemo is not more beautiful and may even appear cluttered. However, the new cluttered looks are compensated well enough by a dramatic increase in usability, esp. for those who prefer to use a mouse, or are new to the program. In addition, even seasoned pros will appreciate shorter click-paths as most options are now available with just 2 clicks. Mouse-oriented learning bar makes it easier to use SuperMemo with a single hand.


New commands:






Incremental mail processing






The list of bug fixes is the longest in SuperMemo history (over 1,000 positions). All that despite the fact that SuperMemo 15 was probably the best debugged version before SuperMemo 16. Here is only the list of most painful or annoying bugs:


New Limitations

Please read these carefully if you plan to upgrade from older versions of SuperMemos!!! Not all old functions are supported in SuperMemo 16: