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SuperMemo MegaMix 1999
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SuperMemo MegaMix contains 1.3 GB of learning material written by users of SuperMemo. This is a selection of best collections developed in the years 1992-1999. Apart from SuperMemo 98, it includes among others all but one winners of SuperMemo Best Database Competition, Advanced English 98 (text-only version upgradeable to the multimedia version), Medical Biology, Eurodictionary by Dr L.Rozanski, English Grammar, demonstration of Cross Country and Video English SuperMemo CD-ROM titles, all language material from SuperMemo Multilingual CD-ROM, all collections from SuperMemo Library (as for March 1999), SuperMemo Library Digest, courseware development examples, ABC of SuperMemo, and many more.


  1. SuperMemo 98 with 15 national interfaces and help system in CHM and HTML formats
  2. 1.3 GB of learning material, over 600,000 elements, 319 collections
  3. MegaMix Setup that will help you install more learning material classified in a tree structure divided by language sections
  4. Advanced English 98 best-seller (text-only) with 43,000 items, significantly reviewed and expanded, upgradeable to the multimedia version
  5. English phonetic transcription with 72,000 items presented using IPA notation (the transcription registry is extendable and editable)
  6. Medical Biology, 8000 items
  7. English Grammar, 3000 items
  8. All language learning material from SuperMemo Multilingual CD-ROM
  9. Entire SuperMemo Library (version from March 1999)
  10. SuperMemo Library Digest
  11. Demonstration of SuperMemo CD-ROM titles: Video English, Cross Country and Advanced English 97
  12. Eurodictionary by Dr L.Rozanski (nearly 60 collections for learning vocabulary of English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak and Polish)
  13. ABC of SuperMemo (short course on SuperMemo delivered by SuperMemo itself)
  14. Selected scientific and popular scientific publications (see titles marked with a red hash at List of Publications)
  15. Content of this website (state of March 1999)

For the full list of collections see: MegaMix Collection List

Order MegaMix 99

Installer Bug in MegaMix 99

We regret to inform that in a limited number of cases, you can experience installation problems. Please read more: MegaMix Installer Bug