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Deine Chancen in Deutsch with SuperMemo 8

Deine Chancen in Deutsch CD-ROM is the first educational title released with SuperMemo 8. It is dedicated for Polish users and shall be of no use for those who do not know Polish.

Deine Chancen in Deutsch comprises three knowledge systems with vocabulary and grammar of German in practical applications. This material can be mastered with SuperMemo in a fraction of time needed for learning with other educational software.

Deutsch für Touristen contains 1000 words and 300 phrases that consist a survival minimum in situations such as: in the shop, in hospital, during travel, in a hotel, on the railway station, on a highway, etc. With SuperMemo, this material can be mastered within a month working 20-40 minutes per day. Deutsch für Touristen is entirely illustrated with sound that makes it easier to pick up correct German accent.

Wörter und Wendungen comprises the vocabulary actively used by an average German. Only SuperMemo will make it possible to master this material within 2-4 months, depending on the time you regularly spend with the program (optimally 20-45 minutes). Wörter und Wendungen contains over 6000 words with examples of use in short phrases and whole sentences. By mastering this material you can feel safe in nearly all real-life situations. The material is neatly divided into 13 subject groups. Additionally, the words are sorted for frequency of appearing in natural language! All words are illustrated with sound.

Grammatische Übungen contains over 1000 exercises and tests based on exemplary situation. Pure applications; no theory! It provides you with a cross-section of all important aspects of German grammar.

SuperMemo 8 that has been used to design and create Deine Chancen in Deutsch is also used by the user in the learning process. It supervises the calendar of repetitions and maximizes the effects of learning. It is presented here in a simplified form that makes it very easy for newcomers to start the learning process off hand. The full version is also available and can be activated with Ctrl+Alt+F12 (all advanced users can then make much better use of all learning meters, rescheduling algorithms, repetition data, searching capabilities, back-up and recovery functions and more).

Minimum requirements:

You can order Deine Chancen in Deutsch over Internet (in Poland only).
For more information about the program see: Chip's Marek Wrobel: "Like wine..."